Behaviour Management Tips

Here are 10 top tips for behaviour management in the classroom:

  1. Remain calm, whatever the challenge.
  2. Set clear and manageable behaviour expectations in line with the school behaviour policy.
  3. Involve pupils/students in strengthening classroom expectations which support learning.
  4. Provide visual reinforcement for the expected behaviours.
  5. Remove or reduce distractions which may unsettle pupils with a weaker attention span.
  6. Prepare pupils/students during the lesson, for the transition from an activity to a new activity and to a different class base.
  7. Always say what you mean and mean what you say.
  8. Avoid rhetorical questions about behaviours which have no answers.
  9. Consistently model behaviour expectations, in class and around the school.
  10. Remember pupils and the teacher like to be rewarded – explicitly praise pupil success and also reward self when pupil behaviours are positive, focused on learning and support class/school teamwork.
– Vaughan Collier

See The Infographic

Behaviour Management Tips Infographic

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